Thursday, September 4, 2008

Script for check boxes All check & Un Check

This is the script for CheckBox Checked all in the datalist or Repeater like gmail.

call this method on pageLoad.

private void LoadScript()

string strScript;
strScript = " ";
if (!this.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("clientScriptCheckAll"))
this.RegisterClientScriptBlock("clientScriptCheckAll", strScript);
strScript = "";
strScript = "<" + "script language" + "=" + "JavaScript" + "> ";
strScript += "function CheckChanged() ";
strScript += "{ ";
strScript += " var frm = document.aspnetForm; ";
strScript += " var boolAllChecked; ";
strScript += " boolAllChecked=true; ";
strScript += " for(i=0;i<>
strScript += " { ";
strScript += " e=frm.elements[i]; ";
strScript += " if ( e.type=='checkbox' &&'Id') != -1 )";
strScript += " if(e.checked== false) ";
strScript += " { ";
strScript += " boolAllChecked=false; ";
strScript += " break; ";
strScript += " } ";
strScript += " } ";
strScript += " for(i=0;i<>
strScript += " { ";
strScript += " e=frm.elements[i]; ";
strScript += " if ( e.type=='checkbox' &&'checkAll') != -1 )";
strScript += " { ";
strScript += " if( boolAllChecked==false) ";
strScript += " e.checked= false ; ";
strScript += " else ";
strScript += " e.checked= true; ";
strScript += " break; ";
strScript += " } ";
strScript += " } ";
strScript += " } ";
strScript += " ";
if (!this.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("clientScriptCheckChanged"))
this.RegisterClientScriptBlock("clientScriptCheckChanged", strScript);

In DataList Header has the HTML checkBox which has the onclick="CheckAll(this)" when we check the header checkbox all the check boxes will checked & when You uncheck the checkbox all the check box will unchecked.

asp:DataList ID="dlstComment" runat="server" Width="100%" CellSpacing=2
DataKeyField="CommentID" onitemcommand="dlstComment_ItemCommand">
td >
input type="checkbox" id="checkAll" onclick="CheckAll(this);" runat="server" name="checkAll">Select All
td>Employee ID
td >Name
td>Email Address

input type="checkbox" runat="server" id="chxId" onclick="CheckChanged();" checked='false' name="EmpId" />
td><%#Eval("EmpID") %>
td ><%#Eval("Name")%>

comform message in datalist & Repeter

Use this code in the Datalist or Repeter itemDataBound Event....

if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)

ImageButton db = (ImageButton)e.Item.FindControl("imgbtnDelete");

// Assign the Delete button's OnClientClick property
db.OnClientClick = string.Format("return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this topic?');");